
Various projects I work on in my spare time. Many of these projects are open source and available on GitHub.

Engineering Hell Logo

Engineering Hell


Engineering Hell is a blog that I started in late 2024 to write about the trials and tribulations of being an engineer in the tech industry. I write about the things that I've learned, the things that I've built, and the things that I've broken and how I fixed them. The blog is meant to be a community project and is open to others who want to share their stories.




In May of 2023, my wife started an electronics company to build the first cloud-based wireless animatronics controller. I helped design and build the prototypes and MVP. The system is ESP32 based using the ESP-IDF. Lots of really neat stuff happening with IgorBox. I got to use my Electrical Engineering skills to design the PCBs and developed the base operation system in embedded C.

NextJS Logo


This website! Yes, this is a project. I continue to use it as a way to play with new web frameworks and libraries. For example, I wanted to play with Next.js with motion... so I built this website. This website will continue to evolve as I play with new things.


ESP-IDF HTTP Rest Client


Because the ESP-IDF provided client library is robust, it also means its a bit complicated and for most people, we only need some simple http operations for interacting with REST endpoints. You shouldn't need to know how to manage chunked vs non-chunked responses or how to construct the required connection config to post a json object. I just want the ENTIRE response body loaded in a buffer I provide to do with what I want. And i don't want to copy around 40 lines of code for every request to do it!

CraneOperator Screenshot


Not Active

Just as crane operators can see where all the containers are in the shipyard, CraneOperator gives you a simple web interface for browsing around a Docker Registry running version 2.0+

Linky Screenshot


Not Active

Linky is your friendly intranet URL shortener. Its made to be simple to setup, simple to use, and simply useful. Linky is based off of a number of internal URL shorteners that exist in many large tech companies in the Silicon Valley.